

Monday, October 10, 2011

"The Neal Noise"

I've come to learn over the last year how amazing it is to see yourself through your children. And when I say "see yourself" I mean see Jake :-). Looking at Max is like looking right at Jake. I know I've posted this in the past, but it really is amazing their similarities - from looks to their determination in everything they do.  Every now and then I'll catch Max doing something or making a face that reminds me of myself....but for the most part, it's all Jake! 

When I first met Jake's family, we ate dinner at a restaraunt in Shelby, NC. I noticed a noise at the dinner table that I disregarded at the time....but what I learned is that "mmm mmm" sound shows up at nearly every meal.  It's hysterical! 

Guess who inherited "the Neal Noise"?

Friday, October 7, 2011

I am a cheater...

there I said it! 

It's inevitable....I am a cheater. Each day that passes, I realize that at some point in my day, I've decided (out of necessity or maybe convenience) to cheat something or someone.

It may be:
  • Cheating my job by not being able to work the 14-18 hours a day I should to complete everything on my to do list.  GUILTY.
  • Cheating my husband because I choose not to put makeup and spend the extra minutes sleeping or spending time with Max. GUILTY.
  • Cheating Max by taking him to school earlier than usual because I have a big meeting to prepare for. Or by even having to take him to school at all. GUILTY.
  • Cheating my friends and family when I see them calling but don't pick up because I finally have time to spend with my family. GUILTY.
  • Cheating my health by not exercising. GUILTY.
  • Cheating our budget when I pick up something for dinner instead of making something because I'm too tired (err, lazy) or would rather spend those minutes elsewhere. GUILTY.
  • Cheating sleep because of a teething 1 year old. GUILTY.
  • Cheating my dog by forgetting to feed him last night (sorry Bear). GUILTY.
  • Cheating the blessing of shelter by not cleaning my house as often as I should. GUILTY.
  • Cheating my neighbors by not checking in more. GUILTY.
  • Cheating strangers by rushing by too quickly to even notice a smile. GUILTY.
and worst of all....
  • Cheating my heavenly Father and not spending time with Him because I think all those other things listed above are more important.  G.U.I.L.T.Y.
So, there you have it....I'm a big, big, big CHEATER. However, I've extended myself grace (that's right, I did that) by accepting the grace that the Lord has rested on my shoulders. I can't be perfect...or even come close. "And since it is through God's kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God's grace would not be what it really is - free and undeserved." Romans 11:6. I am so not worthy, but still HE loves me.

Tell me you cheat too? ;-)  Bueller?  All of a sudden Michael Jackson's song keeps playing in my head "You are not alone....I am here with you...."  LOL.

Sidenote: Back to work, since I totally cheated work by writing this at 2 p.m. on a Friday afternoon....


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Time Out!

TIME OUT: A quiet period used especially as a disciplinary measure for children.

Or as Max says..."UH OH?". 

I have questioned this method of parenting....does it really work? Does it just teach kids to do something and all they have to do is go stand in the corner for 5 minutes and it is okay?  Is it really productive?

We've made it 16 months and finally yesterday, it happened.  Time Out!  That's not to say that Max didn't deserve a time out before now, but he was either too little to understand, wouldn't stay in one spot, couldn't sit still, etc. Not anymore.  Now, it is two strike, and you're out. 

Max has gotten to that age where he is understanding more, but can't verbalize it and gets very frustrated. So, he'll be playing along perfectly content and then all of a sudden he will throw his toy across the room, hit something/someone, make an ugly face, etc.  Yesterday, he was pushing his walker and out of nowhere, I see the walker go flying across the floor because he got mad. He ran over to it, stared it down and then hit it. I got down to his level and explained that we don't throw or hit our toys out of anger. He looked and me and my thought process led me tobelieve he was going to hug me, but instead he leaned in and slapped me - and then proceeded to head butt me in the nose. I thought it was broken (my nose, that is).  To TIME OUT we went.

I've come to realize that time out works - for kids and for mom! I needed it just as much as Max did. So to answer my original question - does time out work? INDEED, friends!  We both sat with our backs against the wall, took a breath, and sat in silence.

So, Mr. Webster, the new definition:
TIME OUT: A quiet period used especially as a disciplinary measure for children and a moment of silence for mom used to adjust broken noses and broken hearts.

Dear Mom,

I'm sorry if I ever hit you. I realize now that was not nice.


Football Saturday!

Jake's Dream Come True....

"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God."
Ephesians 3:16-19 

Max is SIXTEEN months old!

I have noticed a BIG difference in Max in the last month. I'm not sure if it is the age, the fact that he moved up to a new (bigger) class at school, or perhaps a combination of the two...but he is definitely a little boy now! 

He continues to be such a joy and so much fun.

Max's Stats:
  • 23 lbs. and 7 oz.
  • Talking a lot (words: mama, dada, daddy, car, ball, water, ready, go, bear, dog, doggie, more, etc)
  • Sleeping: 7:45 p.m. - 6:30 a.m.
  • Napping: Noon - 2 p.m.
  • Teething terribly (waiting for those back molars to pop through)
  • Knows all the kids in his class at school if you ask them "where is (insert name)"
  • Loves bath time!
  • Favorite toys: cars, blocks, balls, books, puzzles, swings
  • Laughs a lot!
  • Eating less (he has become more picky)
  • Favorite foods: bananas, apple bars, yogurt, oatmeal, grapes, oranges, lima beans, salad...really any kind of fruit. We can't get him to eat some veggies or meat.
  • Loves milk!
  • Daredevil....
  • Pretty tough - rarely will cry if he falls
  • Explorer!
  • Sick twice this month...cold, flu virus.

Just knocked over all his blocks!

Love this face!

Buttons Mom, Buttons!


Max is a chatty Charlie these days.  He is beginning to repeat things that we is hysterical and so cool to see his learning progress from day to day. This morning I took a video of him as he was repeating words I was saying....many of them may not sound clear to some, but he does pretty good!  I love listening to him as he explores each letter. You'll notice below that he drags letters out and sounds a little bit like a chipmunk.  So cute!

Max's words:
  • Ready
  • Go
  • Water
  • Daddy
  • Bear
  • Dog
  • Doggie
  • UhOh
  • More
  • Ball