

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Life got too crazy.....

It happened. Just as everyone said it would. Life got too crazy after baby #2 and I "let it go"....the blog, that is. I'm sure I still won't post as religiously as I did, but I hope to do it more. It was like opening a fabulous gift when I clicked on this link today and read all these posts about Max. I'm sad I don't have that for Charlie and Sam...but hopefully I will get better. I am....two years behind. And, to be honest, I don't even know where to start.

I'm so bad at storing memories...whether it is in pictures, baby books (umm none of my kids have one), calendaring milestones. All I've got are the memories in my head, a little calendar of terribly recorded events for each kid and files upon files of pictures on our computer that seem to just sit there. Argh! So here's the does one easily do this?