

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Max is EIGHTEEN Months Old!

A year and a half!!!!!  Wow, and he is getting bigger every day.  It is amazing the difference a month (or a few months for that matter) can make.  Max has lost much of his "baby" look and is a little boy these days! He is on the go all the time, and is so much fun!

Max's stats:
  • Weighs 24 lbs - was 30th percentile for weight, 35th for height and 50th for his head!
  • Talking, talking, talking.....says lots of words now including mama, daddy, nana, poppy, paw paw, Bear Bear, Drew Drew, Kelsey, teacher, ball, car, truck, dog, hippo, rhino, cat, buck, home, house, nite nite, and more!
  • Loves being a "helper" at school.
  • Best buddy: Drew Drew
  • Loves balls - baseball, football, soccer balls, bowling balls, etc.
  • Love cars and trucks!
  • Cries when we leave him.
  • Loves to paint at school.
  • Sleeps 8 - 6 or 7 at night.
  • Takes one nap (12 - 2 p.m.)
  • Eats well - loves salad, lima beans, green beans, pizza!, cheese, snack foods, turkey, chicken nuggets, corn, fruit cups, bananas, breakfast bars, oatmeal, etc.
  • Drinks milk and water.
  • Loves to say "NOOOOO".
  • Frequents time out every day (not everyday really)....but he has started hitting a little (mostly himself strangely), sometimes biting, etc.  Gotta love that!
  • Overall, listens very well!
  • Helps to clean up if you ask him to help.
  • When we pull into the neighborhood he starts screaming "home, home, home" which sounds more like "hum, hum, hum".  Too cute!
  • Very playful - and a daredevil at a young age :-)
  • Has crazy funny facial expressions!
  • Still loves to dance!
He is so much fun!  Looking forward to everyday because he is learning so fast.  We love you, Max!

"I did it, mama"

Max leans back like this when he says "whoaaaa"

My kissing monster. He wants to kiss you all the time!

The Legacy We Leave Behind...

I saw a story of a young  man, Ben Breedlove, who passed away on Christmas day this year.  Prior to his passing, he left a video behind of his "story" as he battled a severe and dangerous heart condition since birth.  His story shares his struggles to be "normal" given his limitations, how he cheated death 3 times and what he experienced each of those times. 

It is nothing short of an amazing story.  I am certain that when the Lord created this young man that he mapped out his experiences knowing that he would be courageous enough to share his story with the world.  I don't know how anyone can watch/read stories like this and not believe in a heavenly Father....a Savior....a Prince of Peace. 

Please watch...

Part 1 (4 minutes):

Part 2 (3 minutes):

I know that he has led people to beginning a relationship with Jesus....what a powerful legacy to leave behind.

So, what is your legacy? 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reasons Why I LOVE December!

It's my favorite month.......for sure!
  • It's Jesus' birth month!  I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday.
  • Everyone seems to have extra cheer in their voice!
  • I know I will definitely get to see family....because of the holidays.
  • I LOVE Christmas trees.....and Christmas lights.....and Christmas smells.....and Christmas calendars....and Christmas music.....and Christmas shopping.....and Christmas stories.
  • It's my birthday month :-).
  • It is a great time to reflect on all the blessings from this past year and get amped for a wonderful year to come.
  • In addition to people just seeming happier....everyone is so eager to give!  What a great environment.
  • I love using the fireplace.
There are endless reasons why I love this season.....and I'm very thankful that it is December 1st already!