

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our First Graduation!

Max is graduating from the infant class to the TODDLER class at school!  On August 1st, our little guy will be headed to school where he will no longer be the "king of the classroom".  In his current room, they usually keep them until 15 months....he is SO READY, that they have decided that at 14 months it is really time for him to be with the big kids.

What does this mean?
  • He no longer takes a la carte naps....there is a designated 12:30 - 2:30 naptime. 
  • He no longer sleeps in his own crib.  He gets cot! 
  • He eats at a table with 4 other kids.
  • He learns to feed himself.....oh my! 
  • They go outside to play 2 times a day.
Overall, he will be learning more and surrounded by kids who are mobile just like him!  He will color, paint, play, have storytime, etc. 

When did he become a toddler??????  Time is just passing me by....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Goodbye Naps?

The last few weekends, I've noticed that Max has been doing very little napping.  At daycare, they have always had struggles getting Max to nap, but usually at home he napped for an hour (or more) in the morning and at least 2 hours in the afternoon.  He is super distracted at school because of other kids, lights,activity, etc.  But at home, nothing has changed.....he just won't sleep during the day.

Lately, I'm lucky if I can get him to take two 20-30 minute naps.....what's the deal?

I know it is about time for him to stretch to one long afternoon one, but I don't even know if he will do that.  I realized how much I was able to get done during that time.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the extra play time....but what's a girl gotta do to get a nap :-). 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Max is THIRTEEN months old!

July 5, 2011

Our Max is 13 months old!  We learn more and more about him everyday.  He has started to show some "toddler" tendencies recently, which make life SO FUN (sigh). 

What's New With Max?
  • Max is 21 lbs and 10 oz.
  • LOVES fruits to his list that he loves include blueberries, raspberries and grapes 
  • Favorite foods are fruit bars, yogurt, graham crackers, cheese, chicken, veggies, etc
  • Falls asleep every night around 7 - 7:15 p.m. and wakes around 6:30 - 6:45 a.m..  He will usually play in his crib till aroudn 7!
  • Takes 2 naps - very reluctantly and very short
  • LOVES the pool, but still doesn't really like the bath (strange)
  • Walks more than he crawls
  • Favorite toys:  walkers, cars, hardback books, alphabet blocks, balls, rings, etc
  • Says:  Mama, Dada, uh oh (babbles a lot)
  • Understands: mommy, daddy, ball, throw, dog (Bear), eat, more, no, nose, eyes
  • He throws things intentionally just to say "uh-oh"...and it's the sweetest thing you'll hear
  • Favorite books: Elmo books from Nana
  • Loud noises do NOT phase him
  • Loves playing with other kids
  • He is VERY brave....will try anything
  • Hates: riding in his carseat (for the most part), getting his diaper changed, being alone, having something taken away from him, vaccums, garage door shutting and seeing mommy or daddy leaving him at daycare
  • Has started throwing major fits (none in public yet).....and testing his limits with us saying "no" to him
  • Loves playing!

Quiet Time

We (Jake, Max and I) were getting ready for an evening with friends.  Max was bathed, changed and dressed and was playing at our feet in the bathroom and in our bedroom.  The upstairs gate was closed and doors were shut so the only place he could go was his bedroom. 

He usually just sits at my side and plays with my makeup bag (he likes to take everything in it out and then put it back in).  I was getting dressed and noticed that it was very quiet.  Anyone with a 1-year-old knows that quiet = very bad.  I thought to myself that he must have found something that was "interesting" enough (i.e. usually dangerous) to keep his attention.  So, where was Max? 

He was reading to himself in his room.  SO SWEET!

"Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man
are like arrows in a warrior's hands.
How joyful is the man who quiver is full of them!
Psalm 129:3-5

Baby, You're a Firework!

Happy Fourth of July! 

We had an awesome time looking at fireworks.  While this was Max's second 4th of was his first to actually see fireworks.  I was nervous about going for a couple reasons:

1. It was going to be WAY past his bedtime, and Max gets super grumpy when he gets overtired.
2. The fireworks would scare the tar out of him.

Neither of which really happened.  He did get tired, but he didn't throw any fits and once the fireworks started he was absolutely fine.  He LOVED watching them.  He would clap, say "yayyyy" and try to reach for them.  So sweet!

::Melted My Heart::

I am so grateful for the gifts of freedom, liberty, equality, and justice that we are able to enjoy every day.  So grateful.

How beautiful this land we love
We cherish all good people of

With pride we call this home our own
Oh how our seed of freedoms grown

American is what we are
Our time has nurtured us so far

For truth and justice we do strive
Our laws are meant to not deprive

We know we’re not the perfect place
As we are of the human race

In God we trust along our way
His goodness near, both night and day

So please do stop and pray awhile
Ask help in facing each new mile

And now I’ll end with words so clear
Concerning freedom we hold dear

Let Grateful Thought – Well Deep Inside
For Soldiers Brave – Our Country’s Pride

by Roger Robicheau

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Feeling Defeated....

It is 9:30 a.m. and my precious one-year old son is already back in his crib.  Why you ask?  Well, let's just say it is due to an extraordinary amount of FITS this morning.  He literally was throwing his head against cabinets, the hardwood floors and just screaming.

I admit it, my heart is hurting and I feel defeated.  It is so frustrating to not be able to ask him "why are you screaming".  Or, "what can I do".  Or, "are you hurting somewhere".  It is MOST frustrating to feel like my efforts to "reason" with him are failed efforts.  I. AM. FRUSTRATED. 

I was so excited for a full day of playing and enjoy mommy and max time.....and what an awesome way to start the day.  I find myself in this new position where I have to discipline him, and am feeling like I am not good at it. Actually am feeling like I'm terrible at it. Disciplining is so hard.

One of my biggest fears is that Max wil grow up to be selfish or disrepectful because I didn't know how to discipline him from the beginning.

I need wisdom.....but mostly, I need courage.