

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mommy Stresses...

Every single day, I worry about various, random and probably insignificant things.  I can actually have a full on debate in my head about these things.  I talk myself in a circle and end up no where. In my head, they seem perfectly rational.  Are they?  Does anyone else think about these things? Am I crazy?

Question #1:  Is Max drinking enough milk?  He is supposed to get 2-3 servings of milk a day, and I want to make sure he has healthy bones!  Sometimes he doesn't drink that much in milk from his I still let him (up until a week ago) have his nighttime bottle of milk because he could suck down a serving in no time and he wouldn't do that in a sippy cup. But then, is it worse to allow him to have a bottle because it was ruining his teeth and teaching him to rely on something before bed.  AHHH!

Question #2:  If he is crying because he wants me to pick him (going through that I want mommy all the time phase), should you let him tough it out or pick him up?  If I pick him up, is that teaching him he will get what he wants?  If I don't, will he think I don't care that he is sad or that I don't love him - or will he pop a blood vessel because let me tell ya, this child can sccaaaa REAM!  AHHH!

Question #3: Some days, Max does not want what I make him for dinner. Again, I want to make sure he gets all his nutrition in every day.  If he doesn't like what I eat, should I make him something else to ensure he gets a nutritious meal?  Or, should I just say "that's what mommy is serving, if you don't like it you don't have to eat!"  I always fear that if he goes to bed without dinner that he won't sleep throught he night - and that is just punishing me ;-)  AHHH!

I could go on and on. These are truly the thoughts that go through my head....and this is also when I usually call my sister and ask her.  I mean really....I need a peanut gallery to follow me around so I can ask for a vote everyday.  ::deep sigh::

Anyone with me???

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