

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Max - e - Moodles?

So, for the longest, Max's daycare teachers have called Max "Max - e- Moodles"....and I just thought it was a cute little nickname with no reason.  Joke's on me! 

While, I've known that Max definitely has a streak of temper in him - I would NEVER say he is an ill-mannered child or moody.  For the most part, he is so happy and giggling.  Today, I dropped Max off at school and was chatting with his was then right before my eyes that Max throws his toy (his new favorite thing to do), grabs ahold of the chair, gets on his tippy toes and shrieks at the top of his lungs....all because I took my keys out of his hands.

I've seen him do this every now and then....expecially when he is teething - it is like he's saying "I can't take this anymore!" Miss Lewis picked him up and proceeded to say "ohhhh there is my Max - e - MOODles".....and it clicked.....yes, I know....I'm slow :-). 

Could it be that my sweet little Max may not always be so sweet?  Or perhaps, even he already turning into a little boy that knows when a toy is taken away, knows what he wants and when he wants it, know that he will get a reaction or wants his way NOW?  Oh my goodness....I think I have a toddler on my hands....where has time gone?


  1. This is hilarious. I didn't get it at first either. It even took a few times reading it..haha. My little Preslie and Max would be great friends, or wait, would they just reek havoc with their moodiness?? :)

  2. LOL - I think they would be fast friends, long as their moods hit at different times ;-)
